Days for Girls at The Healthy Hub


On Friday 10 March 2017, Stevenage World Forum took part in the Days for Girls campaign at SLL’s Healthy Hub Stevenage as part of International Women’s Day.
Days for Girls is an international project aimed at ensuring every woman in the world has access to feminine hygiene products. In some parts of the world, girls are missing up to two months of education and opportunity every year as they do not have access to any sanitary supplies, leaving them isolated.

Kate Belinis, Chair of Stevenage World Forum organised the day as part of their annual calendar. The day included volunteers coming into the Healthy Hub to make Days for Girls kits. These include a bag to allow a girl to carry her products to school, a liner and holder, knickers, flannel and soap.

There was a massive turnout on the day with people of all ages turning up to contribute throughout. There were various different stations across the room with people making all the different elements of the Days for Girls kits. There was also a dedication to Sherma Batson at the event, one of the co-founders of Stevenage World Forum and long-serving member of Stevenage Borough Council who died suddenly earlier this year. Her daughter donated half of the money left in her monther's budget to help fund the day.

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